The World’s Leading Diabetes Fat Loss and Body Transformation Plan For Men and Women of All Shapes and Sizes.

The Diabetic Shred E-Guide!
- Fat loss Focused Body Transformation Diet and Training Plan!
- Detailed 7 Day Meal plans based on your metabolism and lifestyle!
- 16 weeks of Intelligently Designed Workout Plans.
- Research Proven Supplement Stacks.
- Understand how to control blood glucose levels better during a cut and around exercise.
- Step by step instructions on how to build your very own cutting diet from the plate up.
- Suitable for any fat loss goal - Bodybuilding/Physique Contests, Photoshoots or simply looking better in bed.
- Secrets from world’s best bodybuilders/fitness models and bikini competitors living with diabetes.
- Private FB support group with Phil & 1,000 of other like-minded members!
- + Bonus 365 Day Daily Diet, Training, Blood Glucose and Lifestyle Tracker.
Here's Proof Diabetic Shred Works!

Hi! I'm 25 years old, from Sweden, and have been living with type 1 for 17 years now. Have never really taken my Diabetes seriously. I found the diabetic shred program a couple of months ago and have followed it to the letter for 16 weeks lost about 16kg these weeks. Btw my blood sugar is now mostly stable and I've cut down the daily insulin use by 70% over 2 years! - Peter Persson.

Today is day 90 of the shred for me and I am I so thankful I found Phil Graham on IG and started this. Never in my life would I post a pic like this. After having 4 kids, I was so self-conscious of my body, especially my core, and how it changed. But this program has slowly built a confidence I have NEVER had. It might not be perfect and I know I have a way to go but I am learning to be thankful for my daily progress and to keep going because this is a lifestyle.
So since it was Thanksgiving this week I thought I would share how thankful I am for this program and Phils group for helping me learn to love my body again. - Amanda Bronowski.

I've been busting my ass the last 5 weeks on Phil's shred program....starting to see the shape change now, delts are popping, waist has come in 3 inches and my legs are getting some shape too! Thanks for an awesome program! - Andy C.

I account this to Phil Graham's Diabetic Shred and my functional bodybuilding programming! Phil's program and book has my diet, training and health on point. Trust the process y'all! You guys are all diabadasses! - Kayla Moskey Kramer.

I loved Diabetic Shred. My body fat is now at 13%. I very happy with the results! - Juan Pablo Olarte Garcia

Hi, my name is Alex Magill. I'm 34 year old wife, mum of 2 and a personal trainer.
I was diagnosed type 1 diaebtes 4 weeks ago. It came as a complete shock to me at my age and having no family history at all. Phil's Diabetic Shred and Training lab are brilliant. I can not wait to be in control of my body. To see how my body changes and to look and feel better. - Alex Magill.
The Diabetic Shred E-Guide!
- Fat loss Focused Body Transformation Diet and Training Plan!
- Detailed 7 Day Meal plans based on your metabolism and lifestyle!
- 16 weeks of Intelligently Designed Workout Plans.
- Research Proven Supplement Stacks.
- Understand how to control blood glucose levels better during a cut and around exercise.
- Step by step instructions on how to build your very own cutting diet from the plate up.
- Suitable for any fat loss goal - Bodybuilding/Physique Contests, Photoshoots or simply looking better in bed.
- Secrets from world’s best bodybuilders/fitness models and bikini competitors living with diabetes.
- Private FB support group with Phil & 1,000 of other like-minded members!
- + Bonus 365 Day Daily Diet, Training, Blood Glucose and Lifestyle Tracker.
Here's Proof Diabetic Shred Works!

Hi! I'm 25 years old, from Sweden, and have been living with type 1 for 17 years now. Have never really taken my Diabetes seriously. I found the diabetic shred program a couple of months ago and have followed it to the letter for 16 weeks lost about 16kg these weeks. Btw my blood sugar is now mostly stable and I've cut down the daily insulin use by 70% over 2 years! - Peter Persson.

Today is day 90 of the shred for me and I am I so thankful I found Phil Graham on IG and started this. Never in my life would I post a pic like this. After having 4 kids, I was so self-conscious of my body, especially my core, and how it changed. But this program has slowly built a confidence I have NEVER had. It might not be perfect and I know I have a way to go but I am learning to be thankful for my daily progress and to keep going because this is a lifestyle.
So since it was Thanksgiving this week I thought I would share how thankful I am for this program and Phils group for helping me learn to love my body again. - Amanda Bronowski.

I've been busting my ass the last 5 weeks on Phil's shred program....starting to see the shape change now, delts are popping, waist has come in 3 inches and my legs are getting some shape too! Thanks for an awesome program! - Andy C.

I account this to Phil Graham's Diabetic Shred and my functional bodybuilding programming! Phil's program and book has my diet, training and health on point. Trust the process y'all! You guys are all diabadasses! - Kayla Moskey Kramer.

I loved Diabetic Shred. My body fat is now at 13%. I very happy with the results! - Juan Pablo Olarte Garcia

Hi, my name is Alex Magill. I'm 34 year old wife, mum of 2 and a personal trainer.
I was diagnosed type 1 diaebtes 4 weeks ago. It came as a complete shock to me at my age and having no family history at all. Phil's Diabetic Shred and Training lab are brilliant. I can not wait to be in control of my body. To see how my body changes and to look and feel better. - Alex Magill.