Tells you my story on how I transformed myself from a fat, depressed, unhealthy type 1 diabetic into a significantly healthier, stronger and leaner version of myself. I outline how my obsession for learning about diabetes, the human body, nutrition and exercise led to the rise of my career as a leading personal trainer and fitness educator.

My Story

The book provides a deep overview of diabetes and how it effects health. It covers everything there is to know about the human body and diabetes. Hormones, Energy use, B right through to the major (& minor) health problems that can result if you don’t control your condition.

Focuses on getting your mind (set). I cover many of the depressing, annoying and emotional issues people with diabetes face. I outline the coping strategies I’ve used to successfully change my perception and overcome the fear and self-doubt associated with diabetes.

Takes a closer look at Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes medications. I discuss the most recent innovations in diabetic health care and how they influence fat gain, muscle mass and exercise performance.

All the diet and nutrition info you could ever ask for. What the best diet? What is energy balance? Nutrient timing. Foods, facts and functions of all the key macro/micro nutrients. Dispelling myths about protein, saturated fat and artificial sweeteners. This chapter is like taking a full time nutrition course. It’s massive and loaded page to page with eating advice for improving health, fat loss, muscle gain and performance while living with diabetes.

A detailed look at health and sports nutrition supplements for people with diabetes. I dissect the research and discuss which supplements are safe, effective and worth the money. Creatine, Protein powder, BCASS, Caffeine etc.
I also highlight which are unsafe and a complete waste of money.

You’ll learn everything about diabetes and exercise physiology. How muscle tissue is built, how our body fuels exercise and most importantly the knowledge on how different types of exercise effect diabetes.
I’ll also teach you how to build an effective strength training program. I cover a tone of principles, which are often overlooked, but make for long-term success in the weight room.
You’ll never enter the gym without a clear plan of action again.

Focuses on lifestyle management and highlights everything you can do, outside of the gym to promote mind and body development.

Highly detailed instructions on how to evaluate adjust your program for daily and long-term success. There is zero room for guesswork.

100s of Diabetic Bodybuilding and Fitness Tips
Tools and tactics from some of the strongest and fittest diabetics on the planet.

Every strategy is grounded on real life experience, countless hours of trial and error and evidence-based study.

The book is written in an easy to digest format, occasionally delving into deeper scientific language to empower you with the exact knowledge, structure, and methods of assessment needed to ensure your body is always moving in the right direction.

Written for people with diabetes by someone with diabetics. I can directly relate to the underlying frustration and ever-changing challenges of diabetes. Not many diabetes books or fitness professionals can say that!

I’ve created two full 12-week strength and conditioning programmes, one for fat loss and one for mass gain.

The training programmes are tailored to your skill level, from beginners to intermediate/advanced trainees.

Tones of training tips, execution points.

Pre-Exercise Checklist for managing blood glucose levels.


Hi my name is Mike Raven.
I’m aged 43, and was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 15. I have never really had good blood sugar control and like many no doubt I have suffered hypos on a daily basis, with my sugar levels going up and down like a roller coaster. To be honest I haven’t attended all of my hospital appointments over the years. But, in the last 3 years’ l started to notice my eyes were being affected due to my poor control of Diabetes.
Like most I had an attitude of feeling sorry for myself, and that I was doing the best I could and that I would just have to live with the consequences etc.! I held this mind-set for a good number of few years
Over the years I have always tried to keep my hand into some sort of fitness, mostly weight lifting dependant on my life style and work commitments. However, I was frustrated and fed up going into the gym both with LOW/HIGH blood sugar readings and not really knowing what the hell to do.
I always did what my Doctor told me and took some form of sugar before I trained. A diabetic needs carbs to exercise, RIGHT!? (Now, I know this isn’t always the case and depends entirely on the type of exercise). To my disappointment I would always come out of the gym with a very high blood sugar and feel like crap until I gradually got it down with my insulin pen. Then again, I was always told not to take too much insulin as I had to stick to my 4 x jabs a day at meal times etc…
Anyway around 12 months ago due to other problems in my life drink being the major one I decided to get myself a personal trainer, Scott Kempton (Mr Great Britain 2015) What a guy! He helped me out with my diet and training and took my diabetes into consideration. This gentleman really helped me out!

This is where it starts to better, day by day…
I was chatting with my personal trainer about other people who body build and lift weights with Type 1 Diabetes. Scott mentioned an IFBB professional bodybuilder and Type 1 Diabetic called Anth Bailes. Upon using google – this is when I came across Diabetic Muscle & Fitness! WOW! (Where has this been all my life?)
I started to read Phil Graham’s material like a sponge, it was amazing – all his articles, videos and podcasts. The best thing about it, he spoke in in layman’s terms. He made all the complex diabetes, nutrition, training and drug stuff simple to understand.
I instantly joined the Diabetic Muscle & Fitness Training Lab and cannot explain how much this site has changed my life now and forever more moving forward. Once I became a member I had lots of joy downloading and watching all the content and material. This stuff was obviously going to change my LIFE FOREVER! There is so much of it!
After joining the Training Lab, I also bought The Diabetic Muscle & Fitness Guide, which I started reading instantly.
Honestly, I’ve so much positive things to say about Diabetic Muscle and Fitness Guide and Training Lab and not enough paper. It has changed my Life – Mental &Physical Health, Diabetic Control, Fitness, Diet and most of all the online community had helped me cope with the day to day issues of having Type 1 Diabetes.
Let me summarize by saying this…

My Diabetic Control is 100% better, even proven with my Doctor showing an awesome HbA1c. I was also told that my Cholesterol had come right down and that my medication could be lowered. RESULT! My doctor even asked me for the details of Diabetic Muscle & Fitness so that she could purchase the book herself and also have a look at this amazing material.

Being in such a good place with my health and diabetes has helped become a better person. I’ve even giving up the drink which has helped my mental health massively.

Credible advice and programmes to follow on how to gain better control around exercise. The resources teach you about the different types of fitness and exercise. This is crucial to controlling your diabetes. It’s not just a matter of ploughing down carbs every time you train or sticking to a fixed insulin regime that doesn’t accommodate changes in your lifestyle.

I understand that the best diet and exercise plan you can stick to and tweak yourself. Not always the rubbish ‘quick fix’ fat loss programs you read on the net etc.
If you live with diabetes, please educate yourself with this, because the information and help is endless.
It’s there – use it!
I am now one happy person to have Diabetes thanks to Phil Graham, John Pemberton and his amazing team of colleagues.

The Diabetic Muscle and Fitness Guide

Hi I’m Hollie,
Before I read Phil’s book I was frustrated at my progress in the gym because of my Type-1 Diabetes. It took my body so long to show any signs of progress.
I even ran my blood sugars high to prevent hypos in the gym, which I later found out was one of the main reasons I wasn’t making progress. At the time I thought I was doing the right thing.
Then I found Phil, and the Diabetic Muscle and Fitness Guide.
What can I say! -My outlook on diabetes, diet, training and life changed.
The first time I read it – I was stunned at the level of detail inside. I picked up so many tips about diet, training and managing my diabetes. I applied what I learnt and saw a massive improvement in my blood glucose levels, fat loss and strength.
I’ve read it a few more times since and also taken my favourite highlighter to it so I can refer back to it for keynotes.

I honestly can’t recommend Phil’s book enough. It’s full of knowledge and has successfully helped me and many other friends with diabetes improve their blood glucose control and overall quality of life.
Phil uses science to explain his points – it’s super interesting. He explains things in far more depth than your doctor can.
"The first time I read it - I was stunned at the level of detail inside..."
If you live with any form of diabetes you need this book regardless if you exercise or not.
Phil's book is the Diabetic’s Textbook!

You can use your credit/debit card regardless of your location in the world and it will convert it for you. Prices shown are in USD or GBP. You can also pay via Paypal, the most secure payment system in the world. THE DIABETIC MUSCLE AND FITNESS GUIDE will be posted to your address immediately once your order is processed.
You can use your credit/debit card regardless of your location in the world and it will convert it for you. You can also pay via Paypal, the most secure payment system in the world. THE DIABETIC MUSCLE AND FITNESS GUIDE is provided instantly in downloadable PDF’s / Ebooks (just like a word document). All plans are easily viewable on mobiles, tablets, laptops etc and can be accessed worldwide, regardless of location, including USA, UK, Australia etc. Prices shown are in USD or GBP. This price is a one-off fee with absolutely no reoccurring payments. You will get access to every ebook above forever.
I’m not a doctor or guru. However, I’m 100% confident to talk all things diabetes and getting in shape. Here’s why…

I’ve lived with Type 1 diabetes for over 14 years.

I’ve professionally studied and qualified myself in the subjects of clinical nutrition, sports nutrition, human physiology, exercise physiology and public health at university level.

I speak internationally as recognized fitness educator.

I’ve a strong network of health and fitness professionals to learn from.

I’ve competed and won many bodybuilding shows.

I’ve helped 1000s of people (with and without diabetes) get in shape and improve the quality of their lives through my personal training business.
Don’t Even Think About Buying Another Supplement, Going Paleo, Trying That New Exercise or Buying Another Month of Gym Membership Until You Read The Diabetic Muscle and Fitness Guide.
This book is a complete summary of everything I know about rapid body redesign in the diabetic body. I’ve spent years striving for mastery of this subject. All the diet, training and mindset strategies are based on real life experience, countless hours of trial and error and evidence-based study.
I have connected with some of the top researches in the world, reviewed all the most up to date diabetic research, highlighting key findings, scrutinised particular research methods (bad science does exist) and made valid suggestions for future research. Nothing has been cherry picked or talked about with the agenda of promoting a certain supplement, way of eating or training.
I’ve already done all the hard work, made all the mistakes and figured out what works (and what doesn’t). And believe me, we made some mistakes “got ripped off physically, mentally and financially” a few times along the way…
…and now I do this stuff for a living!!
The book costs less than the price of your local gym membership.
Here’s a quick recap on the benefits.

You’ll learn all there is to know about controlling diabetes around different types of exercise.

You’ll understand how to eat and train properly for specific goals.

Have actual scientific and experience driven structure to your diet and training.

Combat obesity.

Increase physical strength and conditioning.

Become a hero in your local gym and inspire others.

Say goodbye to the frustration of not getting the most out of your diet and fitness efforts with diabetes.
You can use your credit/debit card regardless of your location in the world and it will convert it for you. Prices shown are in USD or GBP. You can also pay via Paypal, the most secure payment system in the world. THE DIABETIC MUSCLE AND FITNESS GUIDE will be posted to your address immediately once your order is processed.
You can use your credit/debit card regardless of your location in the world and it will convert it for you. You can also pay via Paypal, the most secure payment system in the world. THE DIABETIC MUSCLE AND FITNESS GUIDE is provided instantly in downloadable PDF’s / Ebooks (just like a word document). All plans are easily viewable on mobiles, tablets, laptops etc and can be accessed worldwide, regardless of location, including USA, UK, Australia etc. Prices shown are in USD or GBP. This price is a one-off fee with absolutely no reoccurring payments. You will get access to every ebook above forever.
The book is suitable for all types of diabetes. Type 1, Type 2, Gestational, diabetes MODY (Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young) and diabetes LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults.
Yes. The book is ultra-useful for parents, relatives and friends of people who live with diabetes. Check out the Amazon reviews and see for yourself how many parents buy it for their kids.
If you’re a dedicated gym goer, the nutrition and training content alone is based on the most up to date nutrition and strength training science out there. You’ll equip yourself with all the necessary knowledge needed to shred fat and build muscle optimally.
You’ll also get a detailed overview of hormones, metabolism and how the body works during exercise. It’s super interesting.
The modern day personal trainer will find this resource incredibly valuable, as nowadays they face more clients living with diabetes (especially Type 2) than ever before. This resource will teach the fit pro everything they need to know about coaching the client living with diabetes.
The book is not a boring clinical text overloaded with scientific terms and devoid of real life experience and practical tips.
The Diabetic Muscle and Fitness Guide is not magic bullet. If you want incredible results you need to put the work in for years, not a few days! Sorry, but if you think you’re going to turn pro in a week after reading this don’t part with your money.
The book is primarily centered on diabetic bodybuilding and strength training not so much endurance training. Although I do cover exercise physiology in great detail especially how different types of exercise effect blood glucose levels. Plus, the diabetes, mindset, medication nutrition and supplement content are all super applicable and useful to any person living with diabetes competing in sport.
All the diet and training information found in this guide is supported by the most relevant scientific evidence.
I have spent a significant amount of time analyzing all the current diabetic research on health, fitness and strength training. None of the studies I’ve used to back up my claims have been cherry-picked.
Prescribing the best diet and training approach is never a matter of a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. There is always a degree of certainty or doubt. For areas that lack research, we can only hypothesize based on what we know, using the closest available research and – where appropriate – trial and error. This is where my personal experience comes in.
Another hugely beneficial aspect of this text is the fact it’s written by a person with diabetes for people with diabetics. I can directly relate to the underlying frustration and ever-changing challenges of diabetes. Not many fitness professionals can say that!
Credible advice on diabetes isn’t easy to find. The information and advice you’ll read here will allow you to make more efficient and effective use of your time, money and effort. I know only too well how easy it is to waste these precious resources on poor information.
The effort and detail I go into here should leave you with plenty of time, spare change and energy to direct on other areas of your life. Life is for living!
E-book: It will be e-mailed to you immediately for download (5-15 mins)
Paperback: That depends on where you live. Your book will be sent 1st class from my home office here in Ireland the second you order.